Once again life has become so busy and hectic that there hasn't been any time for Blogging...our appologies! But don't worry we are about to provide you with a brief update on the passing events, so keep reading...
We went on not one but TWO major bar crawls in one week! First the Big One, which a completely a spur of the moment - on the day kind of thing. So we contacted our personal ticket salesman aka. the LEGEND that is Karl (with a K). As always he came through, and we managed to get the last two t-shirts (tickets) hours before event. After a brief misunderstanding (involving conning Karl out of £10) we headed to Font for cocktail times. It was the new Font in Fallowfield, which me and B reckon is definately not as good as the one near town due the cleanliness of it...we missed the sticky floors and stained tables!
We then hurried back (as per usual, because we're always rushing to get to places). I managed to get hold of the wonderous fake Tesco's own Mailbu!! We then drank it by the glassful, managed to get verryyy drunk in quite a short space time- that's efficiency in motion! We took numerous photo's...goood times.
Once nicely intoxicated we stumbled down to the bus stop, drawing attention from the masses, as we were quite obviously drunk and extremely giggly! We then got our bus (after making friends with some random girls who were also going to The Big One). On the bus we found ourselves sitting in front of some french dudes, B obviously thought it was an opportunity to test out her "brilliant" French skills (LOL). The guys were loving it...as was B...i was just criniging whilst laughing histerically!! One of the guys was saying that i was dying in a classic French accent, i can't explain the randomness. We decided to latch onto them to find the way, which we did- go us! As you do on bar crawl we roamed the streets visiting various venues, which we remember little about, making more friends along the way- including getting a free taxi with these guys that we just met (rather dangerous in hindsight...whoops).
We ended up in M2!! It was AMAZING! It was packed with people in white t-shirts, which looked great from an ariel view! Over all this night as to be up there with one of THE greats!! Just shows what a bit of sponteneity and fake Malibu can do for you :D
Next we went to Carnage after having only a couple of days to recover from The Big One. Carnage was really good, but it just wasn't as good as The Big One, which was pretty hard to follow in all fairness. I (M) saw one of my mates from back home which was cool...he decided to graffiti our faces, which was much appreciated...
We had fun times!
In between this we cooked...had Maccy D's (a first for B in a long while)...we went to a party at Cambridge Halls (Man Met territory :S)...watched dvds (attempted to watch Pride and Prejudice twice) And how could we forget PANCAKE DAY!!! After getting to Tesco's and them selling out of pancake mix (how is that possible) we rushed to ondis and managed to pick up the last few bags (PHEW!). It started off a bit shakely after a shoddy attempt, but as the pancake making skills developed the results were amazing0 we're not gonna lie. It was tasty fun times!! With lemon, kinder chocolate bars and sugar (not all in the same pancake of course).
Wellll we're really searching our memory for the other events, but as we can't even remember what happened yesterday, it's quite a struggle, so that will have to do folks!! Au revoir xxx
(as always...pics to come because we're just too damn lazy xD)
one of my fav !
15 years ago